Junior High/Middle School Hall Of Fame Information Sheet


    The candidate must accumulate at least three hundred and fifty (350) points from the criteria listed below to be considered for admittance to the Hall of Fame. Two hundred (200) points must be in years of coaching experience, one hundred (100) points must come from success, and fifty (50) points must be honors and professional service. These points must come from interscholastic coaching and competition, (Intramurals or Club competition is not eligible). Eighty percent (80%) of an individual’s points in each category must be earned in Wyoming Service.

    Note: The JH/MS Hall of Fame Board of Directors reserves the right to induct OR refuse induction into the Hall of Fame, regardless of points earned, due to unusual circumstances.


    1. Head Coach (JH/MS Level) -- Ten (10) points per year.
    2. Assistant Coach (JH/MS Level) -- Five (5) points per year.
    3. Athletic Director (JH/MS Level) -- Five (5) points per year.
    4. Assistant Athletic Director (JH/MS Level) -- Two and one-half (2-1/2) points per year.
    5.High School Coach (grades 9-12) -- Five (5) points per year - with a maximum total accumulation of five (5) years or twenty-five (25) points. This must be served in Wyoming.

    NOTE: A candidate cannot accumulate more than ten (10) points in any one school year for Coaching Experience. A candidate that is not a head coach in any sport can accumulate only five (5) points per year.

    List your years of service chronologically (ie: 80-81, 81-82.....98-99) with the highest position (such as head coach) and sport. All candidates must have minimum of twenty (20) years of service.


  • You must be able to furnish documentation of any and all points if requested by the Board of Directors.


    1. WCA JH/MS Coaching Milestone Gold Level -- Thirty (30) points per sport.
    2. WCA JH/MS Coaching Milestone Silver Level -- Twenty five (25) points per sport.
    3. WCA JH/MS Coaching Milestone Bronze Level -- Twenty (20) points per sport

    NOTE:A candidate may only count the highest level achieved in a sport.

    All candidates must list their highest level of Milestone Achievement, sport, school and year obtained.

    PLEASE NOTE: List according to school year; example, 80-81, 81-82......09-10.

  • Click the plus icon to the right of the field to add more rows

    School YearMilestone LevelSportSchoolPoints 
  • You must be able to furnish documentation of any and all points if requested by the Board of Directors.


    1. Office in the Wyoming Coaches’ Association -- Five (5) points each year (President, President-Elect, Past President, Secretary, Treasurer, Executive Secretary).
    2. Serve on the Board of Directors for the Wyoming Coaches Association -- Three (3) points each year.
    3. Wyoming Coaches’ Association Sport Coach of the Year-- Fifteen (15) points.
    4. WCA Membership -- One (1) point per year.
    5. JH/MS session speaker at the WCA Summer Coaches’ Clinic -- Two (2) points per session, with a maximum total accumulation of 10 points..

    NOTE: A candidate cannot accumulate more than twenty-five (25) points in any one school year in Honors and Professional Service.


  • You must be able to furnish documentation of any and all points if requested by the Board of Directors.

  • You must be able to furnish documentation of any and all points if requested by the Board of Directors.


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