The bad news is all around us with school closures, sports cancellations, and various postponed versions of what USED to be our normal reality.
The good news is – we’re all in this together. With that in mind, there are LOTS of good/great resources that are being made available – here are a few:
An article posted by AD’s and the Jed Foundation:
If you were able to attend our WCA clinic last summer, you might recall Trevor Ragan’s presentation on “Training Ugly” and his research through the Learner Lab – this is excellent, Wyoming-grown (Trev is from Lander) info:
And two more excellent websites that address sports psychology and many different ways to promote winning mindsets and various sports mentalities. I have had contact with these folks and we (WCA) have permission to use any/all of this information, so have at it – and good luck!!